Tuesday, November 1, 2011

South Dakota to see my cousin ;)

I got out of my box this afternoon and found out I am in South Dakota.  I got to meet my cousin Soozi.  I also got to meet her dogs, and they thought I was a new dog toy.  Thank goodness Soozi didn't let them get close enough to bite or slobber on me.  Her dog, Lily Yellow Dog of the Brule Nation, thought I was her birthday present.  Today was Lily's birthday.  I also got to meet Soozi's husband, John, before she packed me up with all her stuff, out into her work car.
We left Kimball, SD around 4:30 p.m. and Soozi told me we had a long ride.  At first I got to sit right next to her beanie babie buffalo, and he was nice to me.  He rides with her all the time.  We drove West on I-90 and crossed the Missouri River at Chamberlain, SD.  Then we had to stop for gas.  After that, I decided to ride down in the seat.  We had to turn North on Highway 83 after we passed Vivian, SD.  We drove by the Ft. Pierre National Grasslands, and I wanted a picture. It is so wide open!!  No houses!  No towns!  Hardly any fences!  I did get poked by the barbed wire, but Soozi made me feel all better.
I was getting a little sad about missing Trick or Treating on Halloween, cuz Soozi doesn't have any little kids.  But, when we got to Ft. Pierre, Soozi saw a Trunk or Treat happening in a parking lot by the Moose Lodge and so we stopped.  The lady dressed like Tiger was really nice to me.  I wanted a picture to show I did get to say "trick or treat" in South Dakota.  Another lady there was so surprised by me that she had to take a picture of me too.  I don't know, maybe they want my picture for the Moose Lodge bulletin board or something!  I got an orange tootsie roll pop!  That is enough candy for this monster.
We drove thru Pierre, SD, which is the capital city.  I wanted Soozi to stop by the capital buidling for a picture, but she said we would do that on the way back on Weds afternoon.  I saw lots of Trunk or Treat events at different parking lots.  I thought about whining to get more candy, but I was so tired that I fell asleep before we got out of Pierre.
Soozi woke me up when we got to the Grand River Casino Motel just West of Mobridge, SD.  She had to so we could get all the stuff carried in.  We are going to stay here for 2 days!  Soozi told me tomorrow we are going to go to Sitting Bull Elementary School and I will get to be with some kids.  She is hoping one of her teacher friends will let me spend a little bit of time in the Montessori classroom.  I thought she said Monstersori.  Soozi told me that the school is named that cuz Little Eagle is where Chief Sitting Bull was born.  We will spend two days at the school, cuz Soozi....she's known as Dr. Soozi there....has work to do with the teachers and some kids.
I was pretty hyper at first in the motel room.  No, I didn't eat my candy yet, so it's not a sugar high!  I am just all excited.  Soozi said she thinks the Lakota children will be really happy to meet me, since I'm the first purple monster they will have ever seen. The Lakota teacher might even tell me my name in Lakota...  Good night, peeps!!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Much ado

Long time no blog...I have been well not busy more lazy. Peep just turned one. We went on vacation 2 weeks ago. Lots of knitting. Husband bid on a job (crossing fingers and toes).

My baby girl is 1! How the hell did that happen? She is still a champion nurser and I'm going to let her self wean. She got her 1 year shots today and is being a crank butt. Her party was very small but fun.

We went to KY and TN for our vacation. Driving with 2 small children...not so bright on our parts. They didn't do horrid but I don't want to repeat the experance any time soon. We went to a lot of places but my favorites were the Memphis zoo (geint pandas anyone) and hidden cave. The zoo is pretty amazing. They let people swim in the fountians! Lots to see there. Hidden cave was one of the coolest things I have ever seen. You get on a boat and go through this cave. Very neat!

I did my local yarn stores July sock marathon and knit 3 pair of socks. I also made Peeps a monkey she named "This".

Sunday, June 19, 2011


I got to go to Chicago with my cousins. I had such a good time. It even rated its own facebook album on my page <---there. You can read all about it on my page. Thanks so much Jakcsy's for hosting me :)


I was in Vegas! I had so much fun with my Aunt Kris! We went to a lot of places that didn't allow pictures though. I did enjoy the slot machines. I even got to go to the circus! Thanks so much for taking me Aunt Kris!

My Kalahari Trip with The Youngs

My new Friends!

Cool water park

Carousels are fun

Water Parks are hard work
New Friends

Eating TP

BUSTED! I'm in Time out!

Happy Easter
I'm very behind in writing down what is going on with my trip. I so sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrry! In April I went to Kalahari with The Young Family! I had a GREAT time! We took LOTS of pictures.  Kalahari is an indoor water park and all around fun place. We saw animals and I got to have a lot of fun with my friends Dylan, Kadyn and Bryant! They were great fun to be with! I road a carousel, was very silly and tried to fit in with the animals at the gift shop. Water parks are HARD play so I took a nap with Kadyn and JenJen took the cutest picture ever! I like sleeping with kids. I made new friends and even got caught getting into the toilet paper...Got in trouble for that one! I even got to have fun in the boy's Easter Baskets! Thanks for keeping me Young Family

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Mazie has reached LasVages! Me is having a great time and I have even seen Ceaser's palace! I don't know who this guy Ceaser is but man, is his house fun! Vages has all kinds of lights and sounds for me to explore! This city stays up all night and what happens in Vages, stays in Vages! Love to all... Mazie J. Monster!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I'm at Kalahari water park :)

I just got here but I'm with the Young family on Vacation. Right now I'm learing about safari animals :) more soon on that. 

I wanted to tell everybody that there is an update on my order of host families but the addresses are going to stay on facebook only as its a little more Private...If you want to friend me on there me page is Mazie Monster Jakcsy.